Hey, I’m Jess

Here to spread posi energy around the world through joyful movement.

I believe we all have a special kind of magic inside us - a unique combination of qualities that makes us truly irreplaceable. I call it authenticity, and I believe when we are brave enough to lean into it, we unlock the path to creating extraordinary impact.

My early 20s were spent performing with iconic children’s entertainment group, The Wiggles, while also rigorously training to land my dream musical. Searching for ways to elevate myself as a dancer, I tried barre.

As far as workouts go - BRILLIANT. Sass and a half out of 10! However, what left the deepest impression on me is how the experience made me feel:

Pure joy

Also: vibey, happy, sweaty, strong, jelly legs, and totally in love.

I noticed the same thing with pilates. I always left these classes feeling so good, so… me.
There was a pattern here: movement I loved, challenge I craved, mindfulness I needed.
Specifically this last part felt like the missing piece of a puzzle. More than a workout, it was a complete wellness journey.

Holistic movement would be my way to create meaningful impact.

Now a passionate barre and pilates instructor with a chronic case of the travel bug, I’m on a mission to make a difference as my most authentic self. It’s my goal to transport you into a world of joy and self care as I guide your workouts with love, energy, and my (not so) secret weapon - an oversized smile. 

I hope you finish each class with a little extra sparkle in your heart, and a little extra sunshine in your life.

I can’t wait to move together soon!


⚲ Bali, Indonesia